The creep of a-brasses containing 10–35%Zn was studied in the range 350–650°c. The equilibrium creep rate satisfied the relation i=A 0(T) exp (-H/kT) sinh (qσ/kT), but two sets of the parameters A e, H and of the activation volume q associated with the tensile stress σ were required, one above and one below a critical stress σe 1(T) above which Cottrell-Lomer locking appeared t o become a less effective impediment to slip than at lower stresses. A peak in the activation energy H' (below σc') close to the composition represented by Cu3Zn is interpreted in terms of local order near dislocation cores. This affects the migration of jogs and hence recovery by climb. Below σc', H is equal to 1–6 times the activation energy for grain boundary self-diffusion. Two models are proposed in which the climb of dislocations over intragranular obstacles or within grain boundaries are rate determining, depending on whether σ<σc' or σ>c'. The temperature dependence of A o', A o, q' and q is explained on the basis of the assumption that the dimensions of the intragranular substructure developing during creep attain lower limiting values which, at any given temperature, depend only on σc'.