Anal Ileostomy

In a previous communication,3a three-stage anal ileostomy procedure was presented as a therapeutic measure in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and multiple polyposis of the colon, and the advantages of this procedure over those previously utilized were pointed out. With continuing experience in the use of anal ileostomy for these diseases, the procedure has been shortened to two stages, as suggested in the initial report. The first stage consists of a total colectomy, pull-through anal ileostomy, and diversionary proximal ileostomy. Revision of the anal ileostomy is carried out, with use of local anesthesia, two days later. The second stage is performed about three months after the first and consists of an ileoileostomy. The procedure is detailed here, for those who might wish to employ it. Operative Procedure Stage 1. —This stage is begun with the patient in a lithotomy position. A long left paramedian incision is made, as