Effect of surgery on BCNU chemotherapy in a rat brain tumor model

In Fischer 344 rats, [rat brain] 9L tumor cells were implanted in the left cerebral hemisphere. Compared with control animals not operated on, rats treated with an LD10 dose of BCNU [1,3-bis-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea] 1 h before or 1 or 12 h after surgery on day 16 postimplant had an increased life span of over 200% (greater than a 6 log cell kill). Minimal effect on survival was found when BCNU was administered during surgery. BCNU administered 12 h before or 24 or 72 h after surgery did not show any additive effect of surgery on BCNU treatment. In a clinical setting, a bolus of BCNU administered to tumor patients within 12 h of surgery might increase substantially the total tumor cell kill compared with surgical resection alone.