Faraday Rotation of the CaOFBand and 3557 Å Zero-Phonon Peak

The absorption band centered at 3.65 eV (3350 Å) seen in both neutron-irradiated and Ca-excess CaO crystals has been assigned to the F center. A sharp peak is seen adjacent to this band at 3557 Å, and has long been conjectured to be the zero-phonon line of the F center. Evidence is given here that supports this identification. Faraday-rotation experiments have been carried out on both the F band and the 3557 Å line, including studies using the method of ESR-sensitive Faraday rotation, which directly identifies rotation peaks due to paramagnetic centers. Such studies were earlier reported only on the 3.65-eV band, with low spectral resolution; in the new data, the spectral rotation of the sharp peak is revealed, and a more accurate pattern for the band is given. The magneto-optic behavior of the sharp peak is found to be similar to that of the band; both are paramagnetic and react in the same way to saturation of the F-center ESR line. A model featuring large Jahn-Teller distortion ε of the F-center p state predicts a dispersionlike rotation for the zero-phonon peak, with amplitude of order (λε)tanh(μHkT) times the amplitude of the dispersion associated with the absorption peak. The measured pattern has this shape, and agrees in sign and amplitude with the model if we take λ=7×103 eV, from the second moment of the circular dichroism of the F band; and ε0.12 eV ≃1000 cm1, comparable with the distance between the zero-phonon and band peaks (≃0.16 eV). Though our magneto-optical pattern is thus explainable in terms of a quenched-orbital-momentum model, certain other considerations suggest that quenching is small or marginal, the Jahn-Teller well depth 14ε250 cm1 being of the order of the mean vibrational quantum. Presumably the Faraday rotation of the zero-phonon peak is a mixture of dispersionlike and dispersion-derivativelike terms of comparable magnitudes, but the second is suppressed under our experimental conditions.