Deletion Mapping of Chromosome 1p and 22q in Pheochromocytoma

To identify the localization of tumor suppressor genes, 22 pheochromocytomas (9 hereditary and 13 sporadic) were examined for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on the short arm of chromosome 1 and on the long arm of chromosome 22 by using 11 polymorphic DNA markers on each chromosome arm. LOH on 1p was observed in 12 of 22 informative cases (55%) and on 22q in 8 of 20 informative cases (40%). There was no significant difference in the frequency of LOH on 1p or 22q between hereditary and sporadic cases. We could localize the commonly deleted regions as distal to D1S73 and proximal to D1S63 on 1p and distal to D22S24 and proximal to D22S1 on 22q. In addition, the relationship between LOH on 1p and 22q was studied in 20 pheochromocytomas which were informative for probes on both chromosome arms. Of eight tumors that showed LOH on 22q, allelic loss on 1p was also detected in seven. Thus, LOH on 22q was correlated significantly with LOH on 1p (P= 0.0249; Fisher's exact test). These results suggest that inactivation of multiple tumor suppressor genes may be required for development and progression of hereditary and non‐hereditary pheochromocytoma.