In a cross-over study the diurnal effects of metoprolol 0.22 mg mounted on ophthalmic rods and timolol eye drops (0.5%) was compared with respect to intraocular pressure, heart rate and blood pressure. Eleven glaucoma patients, 56-80 years old, were treated. No significant difference in ocular hypotensive action was disclosed between these two agents. The median or mean percentage hypotensive effect of both agents did not exceed 26%. The maximum pressure reduction occurred during the first 4 h after treatment. Both agents appeared to influence the heart rate and mean arterial pressure 1-4 h after ocular application. The administration of 0.22 mg metoprolol on ophthalmic rods produces seemingly a similar effect on intraocular pressure, blood pressure and heart rate as one eye drop of 3% metoprolol.