The reticular formation of lampreys (Petromyzonidae) ? A target area for exohypothalamic vasotocinergic fibres

Summary The octapeptide vasotocin, which is formed in the classical neurosecretory nuclei of lampreys (Petromyzonidae), is transported, bound to the carrier protein neurophysin, not only to the neurohypophysis but also to various other regions of the brain via exohypothalamic fibres. A target area of this exohypothalamic vasotocinergic system is, in the brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri Bloch), a relatively well circumscribed area in the isthmus region of the rhombencephalic tegmentum motoricum, which is called area lateralis tegmenti. In this area, which belongs to the reticular formation, the vasotocinergic fibres form synaptic contacts with nerve cell perikarya and processes. The vesicles contained in the fibres were identified, ultrahistochemically, as neurophysin vesicles. They correspond to the neurophysin vesicles observed in the neurohypophysis of the same species. The functional significance of the vasotocinergic supply to portions of the reticular formation in lampreys is open to discussion.