Evidence for a Nuclear Tensor Force from Mass-14 Beta- and Gamma-Ray Data

The role of beta- and gamma-ray matrix elements in the determination of wave functions for the s4p10 states of mass 14 is examined. The data considered include the Gamow-Teller (beta) matrix elements of C14 and O14 and the M1 and E2 matrix elements connecting the lowest four s4p10 states of N14. The magnetic moment of N14 is also discussed. The shell-model wave functions considered arise mainly from the s4p10 configuration but include admixtures of the s4p8 (2s, 1d) configuration. It is found that the data, considered as a whole, cannot be explained if the s4p10 components of the wave functions are derived from a central plus spin-orbit interaction only, but that quite satisfactory agreement is obtained if the nuclear force includes a tensor part. The bulk of the cancellation of the C14 beta decay matrix element takes place within the s4p10 configuration. In general, configuration mixing is of secondary importance; its most noticeable effect is on the M1 decay of the first-excited state of N14.