Antiferromagnetic Resonance Linewidth in MnF2 near the Transition Temperature

The antiferromagnetic resonance (AFMR) linewidth of MnF2 has been studied near the Néel temperature TN. In the presence of an applied magnetic field, the linewidth diverges as | T−TN |56 . In the absence of an applied field, the linewidth is larger and diverges approximately as | T−TN |43 . The linewidth is independent of magnetic field direction and is the same for both branches of the AFMR spectrum. Near TN the AFMR frequency varies as |T−TN|0.483±0.025 whereas the simplest molecular field theory predicts a |T−TN|½ variation. From this temperature dependence, together with existing data on the fluorine nuclear magnetic resonance in MnF2, we find that the anisotropy energy EA is proportional to M2.89±0.16 compared to Zener's M3 and Oguchi's M2.9 theoretical results. Above TN, the electron paramagnetic resonance in MnF2 has been observed. For H0c the linewidth varies as (T−TN)−3/8 near TN. For H0c the linewidth increases more slowly as TN is approached.