Disappearance of the unmodified line.—According to the theory developed in two previous papers (Phys. Rev. 25, 314 and 723) it is shown that the unmodified line should disappear at a scattering angle φ given by vers φ=(3+22)(λ02λs)(mch) where λ0 is the wave-length of the primary x-rays and λs the K critical absorption wave-length of the scattering substance. This formula shows that there is an unmodified line for all values of φ when Mo Kα rays are scattered by carbon and heavier elements, but when scattered by boron and lithium this line should disappear at 147° and 60° respectively. Ratio of the energies in the modified and unmodified lines.—The theory of the previous papers gives the ratio of the number of electrons in orbital positions U such as to scatter unmodified rays in a direction φ to the number of electrons in orbital positions M such as to scatter modified rays. A formula for the ratio of the probability of an electron scattering when in the U position to that when in the M position is given together with a simpler method for calculating the number of electrons in the M position to the number in the U and M positions for elliptic orbits.