Cardiac function in the normal newborn: additional information by computer analysis of the M-mode echocardiogram.

Computer analysis of the M-mode echocardiogram in 50 normal newborns provided measurements of wall thicknesses and chamber size and, in addition, assessment of right and left ventricular wall, septal, and cavity dynamics throughout the cardiac cycle. Data obtained with this new technique indicated that (1) right and left ventricular cavity functions are similar in the normal newborn, (2) right and left ventricular cavity filling and emptying vary directly with peak rates of septal and ventricular wall thinning and thickening, respectively, and (3) there is a close time relationship among maximum left atrial dimension, minimum left ventricular dimension, and mitral valve opening. This analysis, which is the first complete analysis of the echocardiogram in the newborn, provides a normal range of septal and ventricular wall dynamics as well as right and left ventricular and left atrial function and has clinical implications in that it may allow early recognition of both congenital and perinatal myocardial disease.