Pressure-Density-Temperature Relations ofHe3-He4Mixtures near the Liquid-Vapor Critical Point

Measurements of the density ρ versus pressure P along isotherms for six He3-He4 solutions (X3=0.960, 0.886, 0.800, 0.600, 0.400, and 0.200) near their liquid-vapor critical point are presented. For a given mole fraction X3, it was found that the boiling and dew curves in the ρP plane could be represented by a relation similar to that for the coexistence curve of a pure fluid. Here the point at the extremity of the two-phase region, which we call the symmetry point with the parameters Ps, ρs, and Ts, takes the place of the critical point for a pure fluid. The dew curve is given by (ρsρ) (PsP)β with β=0.375±0.02, independent of X3. The determination of the line of critical points in the PT plane from the dew and boiling curves at various mole fractions is described. The pressure, density, and temperature for the critical and the symmetry points are presented and discussed. From the dew and boiling curves, the true coexistence curves were constructed in the ρP plane at constant T and in the ρT plane at constant P and could be described approximately by (ρLρG)(PcP)βT and (ρLρG)(TTc)βP with an average value for the various isotherms and isobars considered of βT=0.42±0.06 and βP=0.39±0.05. Here ρL and ρG are the densities along the coexistence curve on the liquid and the gas side, respectively. The measurements of the compressibility kT,X along the critical isochore in...