Radiation myelopathy in patients treated for carcinoma of bronchus using a six fraction regime of radiotherapy

The adoption of a six-fraction regime of radiotherapy for patients with locally advanced carcinoma of the bronchus was followed by the appearance of radiation myelitis in eight cases. These were among a group of 130 patients given radiotherapy with anterior and posterior treatment fields, without shielding of the spinal cord. Radiation myelitis was found only in those where the calculated spinal-cord dose exceeded 3350 cGy (rad). The possible precipitating factors in the eight patients who suffered myelopathy were compared with those in the remaining 62 patients who also received spinal-cord doses calculated to be greater than 3350 cGy (rad). Only one difference was found—the haemoglobin concentration was significantly higher in those who suffered neuropathy compared with those who did not (P=0.05).

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