SUMMARY Cephaloascus fragrans Hanawa and Dipodascus aggregatus Francke-Grosmann occasionally serve as a source of food or supplement other food sources for ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Dipodascus albidus Lagerheim and D. uninucleatus Biggs also occur in association with these beetles but their role as a source of food for these insects is not known. Cephaloascus fragrans does not develop characteristic brown pigment inside the beetle tunnels and it appears to be autotrophic for its vitamin requirements. All three species of Dipodascus are heterotrophic for biotin. Ascus formation in D. uninucleatus was inhibited in the absence of thiamine while other vitamins were present. Dipodascus uninucleatus utilizes nitrate as the sole source of nitrogen but D. aggregatus and D. albidus do not reduce this compound.