Growth and reproduction of a wide variety of aquatic Phycomycetes can be controlled and various stages can be produced at will by the use of pure cultures under certain established conditions. The necessary media and growth conditions are described in detail. Reproducible results are reported for the following orders and genera CHYTRIDIALES, Rozella, Rhizophlyctis, Rhizophydium, Chytridium, Nowakowskiella; BLASTOCLADIALES, Blastocladia, Blastocladiella, Allomyces; MONOBLEPHARIDALES, MonoblephareUa; SAPROLEGNIALES, Saprolegnia, Achlya, Dictyuchus, Aphanomyces; LEPTOMITALES, Apodachlya, Mindeniella, Sapromyces; PERONOSPORALES, Pythium, Phytophthora.