The thermal expansivity of single crystal RbMnF3 has been measured in the vicinity of its Néel temperature, TN≃83 K. A three‐terminal capacitive dilatometer was employed to measure length changes with a strain sensitivity ∼10−10. Above TN, the magnetic contribution to the expansivity, αm, exhibits a temperature dependence consistent with a logarithmic divergence at TN for over two decades of reduced temperature and to within 4 mK of TN. By utilizing previous magnetic specific heat (Cm) data, it is found that αm and Cm are not directly proportional in the critical region. An asymptotic magnetic Gruneisen ``constant'' is evaluated for TTN+ with the result γm=−∂ log J/∂ log V=3.14±0.3. The pressure dependence of the Néel temperature dTN/dP is 0.37 mK/bar.