Calcium and barium permeable channels fromAplysia nervous system reconstituted in lipid bilayers

Ion channels permeable to barium and calcium were reconstituted from theAplysia nervous system into phospholipid bilayers formed on the tips of patch electrodes. With asymmetrical concentrations of barium or calcium on the two sides of the bilayer, the single-channel currents reversed at the calculated barium or calcium reversal potentials, indicating that the channels were cation selective. Channels with conductances of 10, 25 and 36 pS were routinely observed. Calcium and barium were equally effective as charge carriers for the 36-pS channel, whereas magnesium was at least fifteenfold less effective. The gating of all three channels was independent of the voltage across the bilayer, but was affected by the dihydropyridine calcium channel agonist Bay K 8644 (Bay K). In the presence of Bay K but not in its absence, long discrete gating events were routinely observed, suggesting that the dihydropyridine increased the probability of long open states as it does for calcium channels in other systems. Bilayers invariably contained more than a single channel (or conductance state). This was observed even when theAplysia nervous system membranes were prepared in the presence of cytoskeleton disrupting agents, or when the membrane proteins were diluted extensively with exogenous phospholipid. Furthermore, transitions between conductance levels were observed with high frequency. These findings, together with the fact that all of the conductance states share certain properties including voltage-independence and sensitivity to Bay K, suggest that the apparent multiple channel types may in fact represent subconductance states of a single ion channel.