The mortality from ruptured spleen, estimated at more than 75%, demands prompt diagnosis if effective surgery is to be employed.1In a recent review of roentgenography of ruptured spleen, the diagnostic value of serial examinations was emphasized.2The case reported herein exemplifies the accuracy of this procedure. REPORT OF A CASE J. M., a man aged 22, while playing baseball ran directly into another player, striking his left side against the other player's hip. The patient was winded and fell to the ground in shock. On his arrival at the hospital, a few minutes later, he was still in shock and received immediate treatment. At first the patient was pulseless, cyanotic, and semiconscious. His blood cell count revealed 3,800,000 red blood cells and 69% hemoglobin. His hematocrit was 31. It was not possible to obtain a blood pressure reading. Approximately one hour after admission the patient began to