In an attempt to correlate serum LH isoform distribution with its bio/immuno ratio, follicular phase blood samples from four normally cycling women and four patients with polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) were studied. Chromatofocusing of peripheral serum samples across a pH gradient of 9.5–4.5 yielded a broad area of LH immunoreactivity comprising several peaks in the pH range of 7.2–9.0, and six other major peaks at pH values of 9.4, 6.8, 6.4, 5.1, 4.7 and7.0. All of them had a high bio/immuno ratio (40 IU/l). Conversely, fewer alkaline pI isoform.s of LH were found in the other three normal women and one PCOD patient, who had low levels of the bio/immuno ratio of LH (< 2.0) and bioactive LH (P<0.05) direct corrlelation was observed between the bio/iminuno ratio of serum LH and the proportion of alkaline LH eluted. In conclusion, as demonstrated previously in the pituitary, the bio/immuno ratio of serum LH also correlates well with the charge distribution of LH isoforms. The results indicate that an altered isoform distribution with more basic LH forms is associated with a high biological activity of serum LH.