Plant polyphenols. 3. Flavonoids in genotypes of Primula sinensis

Fifteen anthocyanins derived from 6 anthocyanidins have been found in flowers or leaves of Primula sinensis colour genotypes. They are 3-glucosides, 3-glucosylglucosides or 3-glucosylglucosylglucosides. Five flavonol glucosides have also been found. They are myricetin 3-glucoside and quercetin and kampferol 3-glucosylglucoside and 3-glucosyl-glucosylglucoside. The only uncommon pigment present, sinensin, has been identified as dihydrokampferol 7-glucoside. The qualitative and quantitative distribution of these pigments in genotypes of P sinensis is described. These results provide information about the genetic control of the hydroxylation, methylation and glucosidation of the flavonoid pigments. The biochemical effects of factors controlling copigmentation and anthocyanin concentration are discussed.

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