Density-Matrix Formalism for Lepton-Hadron Scattering

A density-matrix approach is presented for lepton-hadron reactions. We give a unified treatment of electroproduction, neutrino-induced production, decay, and colliding-beam-type processes. In this formulation, the lepton reactions are treated in a manner completely analogous to the hadronic reactions involving decaying resonances. The general content of our result for the differential cross section can be stated as a product of finite-dimensional representations of the SO(2,1) group or SO(3) group for the lepton pair and a hadronic density matrix. The group changes from noncompact SO(2, 1) to compact SO(3), depending upon whether the momentum of the lepton pair involved in the interaction is spacelike or timelike. Formulas are given for general lepton-induced reactions. Specific reactions (total inelastic lepton scattering and leptonic pion, ρ, and N* production) are discussed in detail. In this formulation, the implications of Regge-pole theory, low-energy theory, partial conservation of axial-vector current, and current algebra can be easily studied.