Air-breathing mechanics in two Amazonian teleosts, Arapaima gigas and Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus

The mechanics of air breathing in pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, and jeju, Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus, were studied by simultaneous monitoring of air bladder gas pressure and buccal pressure. Also the effect of alterations in air bladder gas tensions on air-breathing patterns was examined by a gas replacement technique. Pirarucu surface every 4.2 min to make a single ventilation of the air bladder, whilst jeju usually make two or three ventilations at an air breath every 3.0 min. Pirarucu exhale first, then inhale, but in jeju buccal filling occurred before lung emptying. Inhalation in pirarucu is a result of air bladder aspiration combined with the action of a buccal pump; however, lung filling in jeju is achieved by a buccal pump only. The significance of aspiration breathing in pirarucu is discussed. Both fish respond similarly to alterations in air bladder gas tensions. Hyperoxia prolongs the interval between air breaths and hypercapnia reduces this interval.