Bacterial Meningitis — A Review of Selected Aspects

Behçet's syndrome. Behçet's syndrome is characterized by recurrent oral and genital ulcerations and relapsing ocular lesions, including uveitis, iridocyclitis with hypopyon and thrombosis or hemorrhage of retinal vessels. More recently, less common manifestations such as Central-nervous-system disease, thrombophlebitis, arthritis, erythema nodosum, epididymitis and cutaneous and gastrointestinal ulcerations have been described.111, 118 , 119 Although the frequency of neurologic complications is only 10 to 25 per cent120 , 121 nervous-system involvement has been associated with a high mortality.118 The initial manifestations of Behçet's syndrome may occur from several weeks to several decades before the onset of neurologic involvement. Essentially all parts of the central nervous system, . . .