Hylleraas Variational Calculation of Auto-Ionization States

Auto-ionization states of two-electron systems (H and He) have been calculated using the Feshbach Q-projection-operator formalism with a Hylleraas-type variational wave function. Results for most of the S states in He and the first two in H are lower than any previously calculated. The energy of the lowest S1 state in He is found to be -1.5575487 Ry using 50 terms, and the convergence indicates that the first 6 figures are significant. Except for the lowest P3 state in He, calculations of odd-parity P states do not yield as low results as previous relative partial-wave calculations. Comparison with accurate resonant-energy calculations of Burke and Taylor in S states allows us to deduce energy shifts which are inherent in the projection-operator technique.