Radiation Age of a Meteorite from Cosmic-Ray-ProducedHe3andH3

The tritium and He3 contents of the Norton County stone meteorite were measured. At the time of fall (1948) the tritium activity of two different specimens were (0.28±0.02) and (0.25±0.02) disintegrations min1 g1. The measured He3 contents per gram were (2.27±0.11) and (2.35±0.11)×106 cc STP respectively. Experiments were made which indicate that there has been no appreciable loss of He3. The amount of He3 accumulated and the tritium production rate combined give apparent He3-He3 ages for irradiation of 420 and 480 million years respectively. If an assumption is made as to the direct production rate of He3 by spallation, these ages reduce to 240 and 280 million years. The A40-K40 age of this meteorite is 4400740+640 million years. The possible significance of this difference in age is discussed.