The function of follicular helper T cells is regulated by the strength of T cell antigen receptor binding

Efficient humoral immunity requires B cell–T cell interactions in lymphoid follicles. McHeyzer-Williams and colleagues show that CXCR5+ follicular helper T cells have T cell antigen receptors with higher affinity for antigen than do other responding effector helper T cells. How follicular helper T cells (TFH cells) differentiate to regulate B cell immunity is critical for effective protein vaccination. Here we define three transcription factor T-bet–expressing antigen-specific effector helper T cell subsets with distinguishable function, migratory properties and developmental programming in vivo. Expression of the transcriptional repressor Blimp-1 distinguished T zone 'lymphoid' effector helper T cells (CD62LhiCCR7hi) from CXCR5lo 'emigrant' effector helper T cells and CXCR5hi 'resident' TFH cells expressing the transcriptional repressor Bcl-6 (CD62LloCCR7lo). We then show by adoptive transfer and intact polyclonal responses that helper T cells with the highest specific binding of peptide–major histocompatibility complex class II and the most restricted T cell antigen receptor junctional diversity 'preferentially' developed into the antigen-specific effector TFH compartment. Our studies demonstrate a central function for differences in the binding strength of the T cell antigen receptor in the antigen-specific mechanisms that 'program' specialized effector TFH function in vivo.