Saliva and serum testosterone following oral testosterone undecanoate administration in normal and hypogonadal men

Since saliva testosterone reflects the testosterone fraction available to target tissues the therapeutic effectiveness of orally administered testosterone undecanoate was assessed by measuring testosterone in serum and saliva. Matched saliva and serum samples were obtained from 12 normal men and 8 hypogonadal men before and at hourly intervals after the oral administration of 120 mg testosterone undecanoate. The test was repeated in 3 men after they had taken 40 mg testosterone undecanoate twice daily for 4-5 wk. Following testosterone undecanoate administration serum and saiva testosterone always showed parallel increases. However, the absorption curves showed a high interindividual variability in the time when maximum concentrations were reached, and in the maximum levels themselves. The increases in serum and saliva testosterone were similar in normal and hypogonadal men. In normal men basal levels were reached 4 h after the maximum had occurred, while in hypogonadal men testosterone levels were not different from basal levels 2 h after the maximum. Testosterone undecanoate is well absorbed from the gut and releases significantly elevated amounts of testosterone which is available to target tissues. As the absorption pattern was always parallel in both fluids, hydrolysis of the circulating testosterone ester by the tissue itself seems to effect no additional increase of testosterone in the tissue.