– Sixty‐three out‐patients suffering from primary non‐agitated depression were included in a double‐blind, between‐patient randomized study. All patients were treated with imipramine (100–200 mg‐day) combined with either placebo, diazepam (10 mg/day) or dixyrazine (50 mg/day) for 8 weeks. The clinical efficacy assessed with a subscale of CPRS was significantly (p1≤0.05) better for the imipramine‐dixyrazine combination than for the imipramine‐diazepam or imipramine‐placebo combination. Serum concentration of imipramine was significantly higher (p1≤0.05) in the group treated with dixyrazine than in the other two groups. Further, serum concentration of imipramine in the diazepam group was significantly lower (p1≤0.05) than in the placebo group. At the end of the study, 67% in both the placebo and the diazepam group and 86% in the dixyrazine group were practically symptom‐free.