The angle-integrated experimental (p,xn) spectra, fitted with precompound and evaporation spectra from Griffin's statistical model of intermediate structure, produced g, the number of independent-particle states per MeV, and fc, the compound fraction. For Al27, Fe56, In115, and Ta181, g increased linearly with A, from 2 to 13, but decreased to 9±1 for Pb208, at 18-MeV proton energy Ep. At Ep=14 MeV, g=7±1 for Pb208, which may signify vanishing shell effects at large Ep. Monte Carlo-type intranuclear-cascade-plus-evaporation calculations yielded spectra and cross sections in agreement with the measurements, allowing for several calculational defects that were made obvious in the comparisons. The Monte Carlo calculations yielded fc values close to those derived by fitting the data with Griffin's calculations for targets heavier than Al27. "Nuclear temperatures," obtained from LeCouteur's evaporation analysis for multiple-nucleon emissions, agreed for (p,xn) and giant-resonance (γ,xn) reactions, both via the intermediate nucleus Bi209, but differed considerably for the target Al27, where direct and evaporation neutrons are not well separated in mean energy. The three types of analyses utilized here are therefore much more applicable for heavy nuclei than for light. Energy and angle dependence of (γ,xn) reactions indicate negligible direct effects, in sharp contrast to (p,xn) reactions, which display a strong forward anisotropy at the high-energy end of the spectra.