Lorentz-Covariant Position Operators for Spinning Particles

An examination is made of the consequences for the quantum mechanics of spinning particles of equations characteristic of Lorentz-covariant position variables. These equations are commutator analogs of the Poisson bracket equations that express the familiar transformation properties of space-time events in classical mechanics. For a particle of zero spin it is found that the usual canonical coordinate is the unique solution of these equations. For a particle with positive spin there is no position operator which satisfies these equations and has commuting components. For a particle and antiparticle there is a unique solution with commuting components which is valid for all values of the spin and reduces for zero spin to the canonical coordinate. For spin ½ this is the Foldy-Wouthuysen transform of the position operator of the Dirac equation. A generalization of the inverse Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation, valid for any value of the spin, appears as a unique unitary transformation which takes this generalized Dirac position to the canonical coordinate. The application of this transformation to the canonical form of the Hamiltonian gives a generalization of the Dirac equation Hamiltonian. This is developed and compared with the literature for spin 1. It gives a nonlocal equation as the spin 1 analog of the Dirac equation.