Rotational alignment in158Er and159Er

High-spin states in 158Er have been populated with the reactions 145Nd(16O,3n) and 146Nd(16O,4n) and high-spin states in 159Er by the reaction 145Nd(18O,4n). Gamma-gamma coincidence and angular correlation data were obtained using an array of five Ge(Li)-NaI(Tl) escape-suppressed spectrometers. Linear polarisation data were obtained using a sectored Ge(Li) detector and internal conversion data were obtained using a mini-orange spectrometer. In 158Er the yrast band has been observed up to Jpi =26+ and three negative-parity side bands have been observed up to spins Jpi =23-, 22- and 15- respectively. The ground-state band has been observed to continue after the first backbend in the yrast sequence to Jpi =20+ and the odd- and even-spin members of the gamma-vibrational band were observed up to 7+ and 10+, respectively. In 159Er the yrast band has been observed up to Jpi =57/2+ and four side bands have been identified to spins Jpi =15/2-, 39/2+, 49/2-, and 51/2- respectively. The bands observed are interpreted as configurations of quasiparticles using the cranked shell model. Residual quasiparticle interactions are calculated as a function of rotational frequency.