Spins and Hyperfine Structure Separations of RadioactiveAu198andAu199

The focusing atomic beam apparatus has been used to measure the spins and hyperfine structure separations of Au198 (2.7 days) and Au199 (3.15 days). The observed spins are 2 for Au198 and 32 for Au199. Observed Δν for Au198 is 21 800±150 Mc/sec, assuming μI to be positive, or 22 500±150 Mc/sec, assuming μI to be negative. Δν for Au199 is 11 110±130 Mc/sec, assuming μI to be positive, or 11 180±130 Mc/sec, assuming μI to be negative. The high Δν for Au198 made it necessary to study that element by observation of multiple-quantum transitions.