Limbic Activation and its Relevance to Emotional Disorders

Functional neuroimaging methods are critical for understanding the neurobiological basis of emotions in humans. Two primary paradigms have been for such studies: induced emotions in normal subjects, and comparison of patients suffering from emotional disorders with normal control We briefly review limitations inherent in these traditional methods describe a third, complementary approach: Experimental elicitation of through pharmacological limbic stimulation with intravenous procaine In our laboratory, procaine induced bilateral activation of an anterior network concomitant with powerful, transient emotional and other phenomena, as well as autonomic and endocrine responses. showed considerable between-subject variability, suggesting the method can be used for exploring individual differences in the basis of emotion and affective disposition. We discuss this approach, as part of a triangulation strategy with other traditional paradigms, can contribute to understanding emotion and its disorders, the different component of emotion-response systems (e.g. subjective, endocrine), and individual differences in affective disposition.