Second-Sound Velocity and Superfluid Density inHe4under Pressure nearTλ

The velocity of second sound was measured in superfluid He4 between vapor pressure and the melting pressure for T1.6 K. Particular emphasis was given to the temperature region near Tλ with 2×105ε1TTλ(P)102. Using these results, other existing thermodynamic information, and linear two-fluid hydrodynamics, the superfluid fraction ρsρ was determined. The higher-pressure data at small ε revealed that ρsρ along isobars cannot be described by a pure power law in ε. Instead, singular corrections to the leading power-law term exist which are much larger than of order ε. Therefore, the results were fitted to the expression ρsρ=k(P)εζ[1+a(P)εy]. They yielded 0.66ζ0.68 and 0.4y0.6, independent of the pressure P. These results for the exponents, and the existence of singular corrections, are consistent with scaling, universality, and recent explicit calculations.