Room-Temperature All-Semiconducting Sub-10-nm Graphene Nanoribbon Field-Effect Transistors

Sub-10 nm wide graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistors (GNRFETs) are studied systematically. All sub-10 nm GNRs afforded semiconducting FETs without exception, with Ion/Ioff ratio up to 106 and on-state current density as high as 2000μA/μm. We estimated carrier mobility 200cm2/Vs and scattering mean free path 10nm in sub-10 nm GNRs. Scattering mechanisms by edges, acoustic phonon, and defects are discussed. The sub-10 nm GNRFETs are comparable to small diameter (d1.2nm) carbon nanotube FETs with Pd contacts in on-state current density and Ion/Ioff ratio, but have the advantage of producing all-semiconducting devices.