INJECTION of radiopaque material into the gallbladder under peritoneoscopic vision affords a unique means of examining this organ and its ductal system roentgenographically. Lee1 reported the procedure and recommended its use in cases in which the gallbladder could not be opacified by either the oral or the intravenous route. Hodges2 cited one case in which this technique was utilized. Royer and Solari,3 in an article devoted specifically to this subject, recommended its use in puzzling jaundice. Watson4 stated he preferred a small laparotomy and cholangiography, since difficulty in needling the gallbladder had been encountered. Royer, Mazure and Kohan5 reported 86 instances in which they had performed peritoneoscopic cholangiography safely without undue discomfort to the patient. We have found the method useful and practical and have used it in problem cases in which history, results of physical examination, clinical course, outcome of liver function tests and