Yrast superdeformed band in194Pb:JπandEx

The yrast superdeformed band in 194Pb has been populated using the 174Yb(25Mg,5n)194Pb reaction at Ebeam=130 MeV. Decay γ rays were detected using the GAMMASPHERE array at the 88-Inch Cyclotron. Twelve γ-ray transitions have been observed directly linking three members of the 194Pb yrast superdeformed band to low-lying normal deformed levels. Anisotropy measurements indicate that these linking decays include E1, M1, and mixed M1/E2 multipolarities. The radiative widths deduced are very inhibited, typically B(E1)108 Weisskopf units (W.u.) and B(M1)105 W.u. Without recourse to a priori assumptions Jπ=6+ and Ex=4878.4(3) keV have been unambiguously assigned to the lowest-lying observed superdeformed state (the state populated by the 170-keV intraband transition). The intensity of the observed primaries accounts for 21(2)% of the superdeformed band population.

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