Effects of noise on the dc and far-infrared Josephson effect in small-area superconducting tunnel junctions

We report investigations of the effect of noise on the Josephson effect in small-area tunnel junctions, both at dc and when the junction is irradiated by 604-GHz laser radiation. The junctions were made of Sn-SnO-Pb layers of ~1 μm2 area, fabricated on crystal quartz substrates with integral planar resonant dipole antennas. The observed systematic falloff of the IcRn product with increasing resistance can be accounted for by the thermal activation model (transition-state theory) if an effective noise temperature (presumably extrinsic) of 8±1 K is assumed. The noise rounding of the high-voltage steps can be fitted with the analytic results obtained by P. A. Lee [J. Appl. Phys. 42,325 (1971)] for an overdamped junction, but using a fictitious elevated noise temperature of ~eV/k (~20-30 K for typical steps at ~5 mV) to incorporate the nonthermal shot noise as an effective increase in noise temperature. We have also developed a computer simulation which builds in the effects of the nonlinear quasiparticle resistance of the junctions as well as the voltage-dependent shot noise; it can account for the entire 1V curve, including the photon-assisted tunneling steps. Noise currents are found to have much less effect on the finite-voltage Josephson steps than in reducing the IcRn product, which explains the anomalously high ratios of step widths to measured Ic that are found experimentally.