The reproductive and regenerative capacity of the various epithelial lined structures, such as the bladder, urethra, ureter and fallopian tubes, is well known and forms a basis for much of the surgery of these structures. The vas deferens, an epithelial lined duct, follows the same law and has equal powers of regeneration. That the vas will regenerate itself and restore continuity of its lumen when this has been temporarily, or sometimes even when it is permanently obstructed is taken into account in the sterilization of criminals and defectives and in the Steinach operation; for not only is the vas ligated with nonabsorbable material but it is also resected and a lateral apposition of the severed ends made to insure against restoration of the lumen. Even after extensive trauma, division or resection of the vas for as much as from 1½ to 2 inches (3.7 to 5.0 cm.) of its length,