A Controlled Study of the Effect of Prednisone on Air-Flow Obstruction in Severe Pulmonary Emphysema

A LARGE body of evidence attests to the beneficial results obtained from the use of adrenal steroids in bronchial asthma.1 2 3 4 5 6 The relief produced in this condition is most probably due to the suppressive influence of steroids on the inflammatory process. When steroids have been employed in pulmonary emphysema, which is characterized by destruction of lung tissue and only partially reversible bronchial narrowing, the improvement has not been as clear cut.7 Subjective benefit has been reported to outweigh objective changes assessed by pulmonary-function studies.8 Nevertheless, steroids have been widely recommended9 10 11 12 13 14 as treatment although one study denied any benefit.15 To study further . . .