An approach to the problem of multilevel Boolean minimization is described. The conventional prime implicant is generalized to the multilevel case, and the properties of multilevel prime implicants are investigated. A systematic procedure for computing mul- tilevel prime implicants is described, and several examples are worked out. It is shown how ,'absolutely minimal" forms can be obtained by carrying out multilevel minimization to a sutSciently large number of levels. 1. (ntroduclion Boolean forms cart be classified by the number of levels of sums and products they contain; e.g. a sum of products or a product of sums has two levels, whereas a sum of products of sums has three. There are a number of well-known methods for finding minimal two-level forms for a given function. However, there has been comparatively little progress in the development of methods for finding minimal forms with more than two levels; some references to prior work are appended to this paper. This paper describes an approach to the problem of finding minimal N-level forms and "absolutely minimal" forms. The techniques described are applicable to any and all Boolean functions, and are suitable for automatic computation. The approach generalizes two-level minimization procedures, and it is assumed that the reader is familiar with these methods.

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