Temperature and density dependence of the linewidths and line shifts of the rotational Raman lines inN2andH2

The temperature and density dependence of the rotational Raman linewidths and line shifts for the diatomic molecules N2 and H2 has been measured using stimulated Raman gain spectroscopy. Room-temperature results for the density-broadening coefficients, B, in N2 are compared with ab initio calculations, while the low-temperature (80 and 195 K) results are the first to be reported, to our knowledge. Values of γ in the relation, B∝Tγ, were determined from fits to the data for self-broadening in N2 yielding 0.25<γ<0.39. Foreign-gas (O2) broadening coefficients for the N2 transitions were also measured and found to be 1015 % smaller than the self-broadening coefficients. Our linewidth and line-shift results for H2 are in general agreement with previous measurements.