Solitary Intracranial Metastasis by Hodgkin's Disease

INVASION of the intracranial cavity by Hodgkin's granuloma is considered unusual and a solitary metastasis rare. Such a case is presented. Report of a Case A 38-year-old white right-handed female teacher, was hospitalized in March 1965 after a five or six month history of dry cough, low grade fever (100 F [37.8 C] orally), malaise, easy fatigability, and generalized pruritis. The medical history was unremarkable. A chest x-ray film by her family physician revealed a 6 × 8-cm superior mediastinal mass (Fig 1). Physical examination revealed a well-developed, well-nourished woman with an oral temperature of 100 F. A blood pressure differential of 110/90 mm Hg in the left arm, 70/60 mm Hg in the right arm, was recorded. A mild dilatation of the venous pattern over the upper anterior portion of the chest wall was also seen. Otherwise the physical examination was within normal limits. Laboratory data revealed a hemoglobin