Odd-Parity Rotational Bands in Even-Even Nuclei

The low-intensity radiations accompanying the alpha decay of Th230 and Th228 have been studied with a scintillation and coincidence spectrometer. In addition, the alpha-particle spectrum of Th228 has been reexamined using a magnetic spectrograph. New gamma rays of 253 kev (8×104%), 110 kev (1×104%), 206 kev (5×106%), and 235 (5×106%) have been found associated with Th230 decay. A new gamma ray of 205 kev (0.03%) has been found in Th228 decay, and also a fifth alpha group populating a level 289 kev above the ground state was observed in an abundance of 0.03%. A new level at 416 kev in Ra226 suggested by these data and the coincidence measurements has been interpreted as the 6+ member of the ground-state rotational band. The remaining new levels have been assigned as 3- and 5- members of rotational bands based on the 1- states previously observed in both Ra226 and Ra224.