Direct Atmospheric Forcing of Geostrophic Eddies

To assess the role of direct stochastic wind forcing in generating oceanic geostrophic eddies we calculate analytically the response of a simple ocean model to a realistic model wind-stress spectrum and compare the results with observations. The model is a continuously stratified, β-plane ocean of infinite horizontal extent and constant depth. All transfer and dissipation processes are parameterized by a linear scale-independent friction law (Rayleigh damping). The model predictions that are least sensitive to this parameterization, the total eddy energy and the subsurface displacement, are in good agreement with observations in mid-ocean regions far removed from strong currents. Properties that depend crucially on the parameterization of nonlinearities and topographic effects are not well reproduced. Observed coherences and seasonal modulations provide direct evidence of wind forcing at high frequencies where motions have little energy. Direct evidence at the more energetic low frequencies will be difficult to detect because the expected coherences are small. Altogether, the present results suggest that direct wind forcing may well be the dominant forcing mechanism for central ocean eddies.