The O2-2Πgresonance: theoretical analysis of electron scattering data

The authors have used resonance theory formulated with the approximations: (i) pure resonant scattering in inelastic channels, and potential scattering (PRS PS), (ii) electrostatic electronic coupling and (iii) Gamma (E) approximation (R-independent coupling) to investigate the 2 Pi g state of O2-. The equilibrium internuclear distance R" of O2- was adjusted in order to fit the experimental data of Linder and Schmidt (1971). A value Re"=1.355 AA is obtained, which is slightly different from the value 1.341 AA obtained from photodetachment data by Celotta et al. (1972). When a possible R dependence of the transition moment and the coupling matrix element is taken a good agreement is found between the two sets of experimental data for Re"=1.353+or-0.002 AA.