Location of deuterium inα-scandium

Neutron-diffraction techniques have been used to study the location of deuterium in a single crystal of ScDx (x=0.33; measured cell parameters: a=3.338±0.002 Å and c=5.299±0.008 Å). To compare under identical conditions the thermal factors of Sc in ScDx to those of pure Sc, measurements were also performed on single crystals of pure Sc (cell parameters: a=3.3088±0.0002 Å and c=5.2680±0.0003 Å). The integrated reflectivities of forty reflections (with sinθλ0.7 Å2) of both ScDx and pure Sc were measured at room temperature. We find that the deuterium atoms in ScDx occupy, within the limits of experimental precision, the tetrahedral sites of the host lattice, a result in contradiction with that obtained in a NMR study of this system. The temperature factors of Sc in pure Sc and in ScDx were found to agree to within experimental precision. This observation indicates that the addition of deuterium does not appreciably affect the low-frequency vibrational modes of the host metal.