Über die Kohlenhydratbestandteile der leicht hydrolysierbaren Hemicellulose von Fichte.

Part of the hemicellulose of pine is easily hydrolyzed, the other part is not. When hydrolyzed with spent sulphite liquor the easily hydrolyzable part constituted 18% of the wood. Successful analyses of the sugars depended on first precipitating quantitatively the lignosulphonic acid present. Glucu-ronic acid was not found in the sugar fraction, but the presence of glucan was proved. This is the first time that galacturonic acid is reported in wood pectin. From the amount of this acid found it is estimated that the wood contained 0.7% pectin, and that the easily hydrolyzed portion of hemicellulose contains 17% pentoses, 42.7% mannose, 4.2% galactose, 3.2% galacturonic acid, 4.0% fructose, and 28.9% glucose.