Activation of NADP-Malate Dehydrogenase, Pyruvate,Pi Dikinase, and Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphatase in Relation to Photosynthetic Rate in Maize

The activity and extent of light activation of three photosynthetic enzymes, pyruvate,Pi dikinase, NADP-malate dehydrogenase (NADP-MDH), and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase), were examined in maize (Zea mays var Royal Crest) leaves relative to the rate of photosynthesis during induction and under varying light intensities. There was a strong light activation of NADP-MDH and pyruvate,Pi dikinase, and light also activated FBPase 2- to 4-fold. During the induction period for whole leaf photosynthesis at 30°C under high light, the time required to reach half-maximum activation for all three enzymes was only 1 minute or less. After 2.5 minutes of illumination the enzymes were fully activated, while the photosynthetic rate was only at half-maximum activity, indicating that factors other than enzyme activation limit photosynthesis during the induction period in C4 plants. Under steady state conditions, the light intensity required to reach half-maximum activation of the three enzymes was similar (300-400 microEinsteins per square meter per second), while the light intensity required for half-maximum rates of photosynthesis was about 550 microEinsteins per square meter per second. The light activated levels of NADP-MDH and FBPase were well in excess of the in vivo activities which would be required during photosynthesis, while maximum activities of pyruvate,Pi dikinase were generally just sufficient to accommodate photosynthesis, suggesting the latter may be a rate limiting enzyme. There was a large (5-fold) light activation of FBPase in isolated bundle sheath strands of maize, whereas there was little light activation of the enzyme in isolated mesophyll protoplasts. In mesophyll protoplasts the enzyme was largely located in the cytoplasm, although there was a low amount of light-activated enzyme in the mesophyll chloroplasts. The results suggest the chloroplastic FBPase in maize is primarily located in the bundle sheath cells.