Kidney Transplantation—1964

PATIENTS who are dying from uremia can now be helped by renal homotransplantation. Some physicians, however, look upon renal transplantation as an experimental procedure undesirable on moral1and economic grounds and unlikely to achieve more than a few months of miserable life. There are many who would defer renal transplantation until the fundamental immunologic problem has been solved. The results obtained in the last 18 months,2-8however, suggest that renal homotransplantation is a therapeutic measure that deserves increased application. Overall Results There are now 23 living patients who have received renal homografts at the Cleveland Clinic Hospital (Table 1). Before transplantation these patients were in a terminal uremic state and had to be maintained by periodic hemodialyses. Many of the patients are able to lead normal lives, and some support their families. Thirteen patients are working and two boys have returned to school. Five of the living patients